Sitrex are market leaders in vertical feeder mixer technology. They are the most rugged and dependable feed mixers available. Their vertical feed mixers range from 2 cubes to 50 cubes with both single and double auger mixers available. Sitrex offers a very fast mixing time with an incredibly durable blade life.
It was a result of our testing of the Sitrex mixer range, which so outperformed any mixer we had used to that point, that we decided to become importers of Italian agricultural machinery. Their machines are the most rugged and durable feed mixers available. Ranging from 2 CUBES to 50 CUBES. 2-15 Cube: Robust SINGLE auger vertical mixer with 15mm base and 15mm auger. With very fast mixing speeds and incredibly durable blade life
14 – 30 Cube: Robust DOUBLE auger vertical mixers with 15mm to 20mm base and 15mm augers. With very fast mixing speeds and incredibly durable blade life 30 – 50 Cube: Ultra high capacity TRIPLE auger vertical mixers. Double axel suitable for rugged terrain and high volume requirements.